Stop Being Such a B#*ch!
No matter what season of your life you are in as a woman, you will be dealing with some sort of hormone issue, but did you know that your gut health is strongly linked to the severity of your hormones & how you act or deal with things!
Recent studies have shown that depending on the state of your gut health, whether it’s healthy or unhealthy will have a definite impact on your hormone levels & imbalances.
The state of your gut health affects almost every physiological process in the human body. An unhealthy gut causes hormonal disruptions & chronic inflammation which lead to serious diseases such as depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders & more!
Getting back to hormones, the endocrine system releases hormones into the bloodstream. Our endocrine glands (pineal, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, kidneys, stomach, small intestine) produce hormones. So you can see how they are all linked to the gut & how this will affect you & your moods.
It is important to ensure you are eating a well balanced diet & throwing in some exercise to help regulate your hormones & keep your general health on track, however as busy women, sometimes it’s easy to skip meals, swap out nutrition for convenience & time to relax for gym. So how do we keep on top of this & live the crazy busy lives we live? One option is to take supplements to help support you, it is important to know that during different times of the month or your age will depend on what you should take & how long you should be taking it.
There are so many vitamins & supplements out there, so it’s important to find a brand that is all natural & use high quality ingredients. Do your research, not every company is the same, a lot of brands you find at the local chemist are full of additives, cheap ingredients or have not been processed in the correct way, so your body can’t even absorb what you are taking anyway!
I recommend Neolife, they have been around for over 60 years, they are backed by solid scientific research & they use the finest raw materials to ensure quality results. You don’t have to go with this company, but I definitely recommend you doing your research first, before throwing your money & health down the drain.
Your hormone journey is your own, as always always consult your health professional before taking any, but here are few amazing products & what they do.
Supplies the lipids & sterols needed for normal hormone & glandular activity. Tre-en-en helps develop & maintain healthy sexual function. It sustains adrenal energy during the growth spurt & in times of stress exhaustion. It stabilises the blood sugar & helps prevent mood swings. The body may need larger amounts or Tre-en-en for a prolonged period of time during menopause when the (possibly exhausted) adrenal glands take over oestrogen production. It may also help with hot flushes.
Let's Talk Hormones
Marine omega-3 fatty acids produce prostaglandins (locally acting hormone-like substances) which ease menstrual cramps
Regulates problems related to hormones like PMS, period irregularity, breast tenderness, hot flushes, other menopausal symptoms & certain areas of fat. Helps prevent hormonally based cancers (breast, womb)
Relieves PMS, period pain, low back pain & the dragging down feeling after childbirth. Calcium is less well absorbed at menopause, deficiency can cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, depression & headaches.
For stress, hot flushes & hormone production
Vitamin E
Relieves night sweats, hot flushes & loss of sex drive
Now I’m not saying go out & get all of these things to help, most of the time a good Multivitamin will have sufficient vitamins to help in conjunction with a good diet, however there are cases where you may need extra support for specific concerns. You know your body best, just know you are not alone & there are things out there to help you live your best “hormonal” life